The #1 Thing You Must Do When 1st Running Ads

I wanted to talk today about the number one thing that you should be doing when you first start running Facebook ads. A lot of people don’t even do this, and it’s just beyond wild to me.

This is perfect for those who:

  • wants to start running Facebook ads for their small (yet growing) business
  • have always known you should be running one but you always find yourself stuck on what to do first
  • have already run a series of Facebook ads but haven’t seen profitable conversions

Whatever the case is, you definitely want to make sure that you are setting yourself up for success.

Let’s put it into perspective: let’s say when you have something to offer, whether that be a product or a service, who would you usually go to first to sell this product or service? A family member? Close friend? Or would you go out into the streets and try to wave people down that are driving by? Which one of those you think is going to generate the best or most conversions?

Close to nothing, right? Plus it’s not sustainable.


It would be best if you go out and actually reach out to people who have had some type of interaction with you already. This could be:

  • real-life friends and family who knows you and are a call away
  • social media followers
  • email list subscribers
  • people who have engaged with your social media content (e.g. watched your videos, liked your post/s)
  • those who has landed on your website previously

Any of these types of people will have that much more of an inclination to work with you, buy from you, or learn more from you. It’s more effective to reach out to people who’ve already been exposed to you and are familiar with you, VERSUS those who barely knew you and your expertise (completely cold audience) that may not go as well, especially not at first.

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So no matter who you are or what you sell, the very first thing you should do when you start advertising on Facebook is go in and create a custom audience. However many kinds of Ads you are planning to run, make sure that you’re using custom audiences to re-target people who have already been exposed to you in one way or another.

Because that’s going to allow those people to become even more familiar with you and what you offer. It’s going to generate a campaign and a strategy. That’s going to reach out to a warm audience versus a cold audience. The last thing you want to do is try to offer something to somebody who knows nothing about you and they’re turned off because they’ve never received any sort of value, any sort of information, any sort of education on what it is that you do or sell.


Never even try selling your offers to a cold audience. Do you see yourself buying from or working with someone you don’t even know? You always want to start off with your Ads running to warm audiences. The correct, cost-effective way that you do that is to create a custom audience in Facebook ads and make sure that to keep your Facebook pixel being on. Once you’ve warmed them up, it’s gonna be easier to guide them into the next step in your funnel.


Perfect for business owners looking for ways to increase their sales without putting more hustle and create a reliable sales funnel.

Facebook Ads, Social Media

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